First, I have to tell you, I am not in the slightest a fluffy player. The fluff that was so prevelent in the previous codex was all but abandoned in the lastest one, and 5th edition and its new array of codexes has forced the Eldar player to abandon anything fluffy to make a competetive list. Kudos to those who stick with their pure Saim-Hann or Iyanden and try to make it work... a hybrid is where its at though.
Edmonton list last year:
1850 Points - with composition rules: no more than two selections from fast, heavy, and elite. No special characters.
HQ: Farseer. Singing Spear, Runes of Warding, Spirit Stones, Jetbike, Doom, Fortune
Warlocks x 5, Jetbikes, 1 x Enhance, 1 x Embolden, 3 x Destructor
HQ: Farseer. Singing Spear, Runes of Warding, Spirit Stones, Jetbike, Doom, Fortune
Warlocks x 5, Jetbikes, 1 x Enhance, 1 x Embolden, 3 x Destructor
Elite: Fire Dragons x 5 in Falcon
Elite: Fire Dragons x 5 in Falcon
Heavy: Falcon, Holo Fields, Scatter Laser, Spirit Stones
Heavy: Falcon, Holo Fields, Scatter Laser, Spirit Stones
Dire Avengers x 7, Dire Avenger Exarch /w 2 Avenger SC in Wave Serpent
Wave Serpent /w TL Bright Lances, Spirit Stones, Star Engines
Eldar Guardian Jetbikes x 6 /w 2 Shuriken Cannons
1841 Points
Obviously this list is not something I would take to an open composition tournament. Luckily, many people held to this contruction constraint, so the over-all competetive atmosphere of the tourney was toned down.
My councils would go and tie up everything it could, eating vehicles for lunch. In one game, one of my councils held up 30 space marines in close combat for the ENTIRE game and was still alive at the end. My Dragon squads would each follow a council up the board, and would take out anything big and scary while the council was tying up everything that could retaliate in close combat, so the dragons acted in relative saftey. The biggest risk with this list was lack of troop choices. I negated this by placing objectives properly. I would place one objective on my side of the board which I would secure, if possible, with the guardians on bike, then "help" the other players by putting any of my remaining objectives on their side of the board. This keeps the enemy on their side of the board becuase that's where the majority of the objectives are... but that's also where my entire army was, so contesting would be easy, and I would hold my one objective and contest all theirs. In objetive games, you don't win more or better by holding more than one objective, all you need is one, and contest all the others. In this tournament, I never lost a council. They were always both alive at the end, and were able to contest or draw people off objectives. Eldar Tanks are the king of contesting as well. Later in the week I will look at other lists I've brought and won with.
What did you use for the jetbike warlocks?