Monday, August 2, 2010

Warhammer Fantasy Tournament Series

On September 25th, K-Max and Sober Dwarf Gaming Club will be hosting the first in an escalating series of Warhammer Fantasy Tournaments.  The first tournament will be a modest 500 points, but will be free to enter, and have great prize support.  The next tournament will go to 1000pts, then 1500, and finally a 2000 point grand finale.  But, if you get first over all or best general in any of the tournaments, you will receive a bonus in any subsequent tournaments in the series.  Also!:  K-Max will give anyone who signs up for the tournaments a 10% discount on any Warhammer Fantasy books or models you need for your army.  Please visit or call K-Max Videos if you're interested in signing up.

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see more Fantasy.

    I hope some of you guys can attend the Orctoberfest tournament up here in PG too!
