Friday, January 15, 2010

New 'Nids on the Block

I recently played 2 games against the new 'nid codex over the weekend. I have to say that while there are new new set of 'Nids on the Block, Eldar don't really have to be worried. Just bring your "best of" list and it will still do well.

My observations about the Nids, having played them now:

  1. Nid players will no longer line their forces up and start slogging it across the table. They will be in your face first or second turn guaranteed. If you see someone march their bugs across the table, laugh at them all the way to the win.
  2. T6 with 6 wounds is the norm. Get used to it, and get ready to deal with it. The benefit of HAVING to deal with T6 is that whatever you bring to deal with it will also double up as anti-tank, which you can never have too much of.
  3. Genestealers poping out of terrain and eating everything in or around it is scary... the trick is that if you can't fit ALL of the genestealers in the terrain, without being outside of 1 inch away from whoever else might be in there with you, the entire unit dies... so spread out! And don't stay right next to the terrain in hopes of avoiding them because they can move through cover, then fleet then pwn your butt first turn they come in from reserve! People say Genestealers got nerfed... HA HA HA HA HA... these elite ones are what Genestealers should have always been... NEVER LEAVE HOME WITHOUT THEM.... unless of course there are other elites you'd rather not leave at home either.
In about three months, every tourney will be flooded with these guys.  The models are AMAZING, the options are AMAZING, the fun factor of this army went from ho-hum to AMAZING.  The best part is:  Imperial Guard are going to be scared of these guys and will adapt to deal with them, which makes the rest of us VERY VERY happy, becaue the entire game just changed.  'ard Boyz is going to be very interesting this year.

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